2021-2022學年度 “中國政府獎學金-國別雙邊項目”
2021-2022 Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL) "Chinese Government Scholarship - Bilateral Program" Application Method
“Chinese Government Scholarship --- Bilateral Program” includes a full or partial scholarship established by Ministry of Education(MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or consensus between Chinese government and governments of other countries, institutions, universities or international organizations.
1. 入學時間:2021年9月🛏💆🏻♂️;
1. Time of enrollment: September, 2021.
2. 資助類別與期限:
資助類別 | 專業學習年限(年) | 漢語預科學習年限(年) | 資助年限(年) |
本科生 | 4 | 1 | 4-5 |
碩士研究生 | 2-3 | 1 | 2-4 |
普通進修生 | 不超過1年 | 不超過1年 | 不超過2年 |
高級進修生 | 不超過1年 | 不超過1年 | 不超過2年 |
2. Supporting Category and Duration:
Supporting Categories | Major Study(year) | Chinese Language(Preparatory Study)(year) | Duration of Scholarship(year) |
Undergraduate students | 4 | 1 | 4-5 |
Master’s students | 2-3 | 1 | 2-4 |
General scholars | Up to 1 | Up to 1 | Up to 2 |
Senior scholars | Up to 1 | Up to 1 | Up to 2 |
3. 授課語言:漢語授課👱🏼♂️。
3. Instruction Language: All programs that scholarship students apply are taught in Chinese.
I. Full scholarship:
Covers: Tuition fee, accommodation on campus, comprehensive medical insurance fee and monthly stipend.
Monthly stipend:
Undergraduate students: 2500 RMB;
Master’s students and General scholars: 3000 RMB.
II.Partial scholarship:
Covers: One or some items of the full scholarship.
3. 往來路費:
III. Travel cost:
In principle, the international travel cost shall be self-supported, except for special regulations.
1. 受理機構🫚:請至各國留學生派遣部門進行申請。如遇相關問題,請向中國駐外使(領)館咨詢。
I. Agency: Please apply to the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home country. In case of relevant problems, please consult the Chinese Embassy (consulate) at your country.
II.Application Code and the Deadline: Please consult the Chinese Embassy (consular) Department or the dispatching authorities of your home country.
1. 非中國籍公民,身體健康🙌🏼;
I. Applicants are in good health and are citizens of a country other than the People’s Republic of China.
2. 學歷和年齡要求:
II.Degree and Age Requirements:
(1)Applicants for undergraduate degree program:
Have a high school diploma,
The age range is 18-30;
(2)Applicants for a master's degree program:
Have a bachelor's degree
The age range is 18-35;
(3)Applicants for general scholars program:
Have bachelor’s degree or above,
The age is older than 18;
(4)Applicants who are invited to study as senior scholars
Have a master's degree or above or an associate professor or above;
I. Login on the SHUPL International Student Service System (https://shupl.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx)and apply, Upon approval, the school will issue a “Pre-admission Notice”.
II. Submit the application and get the recommendation qualification to the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home country.登錄“中國政府獎學金來華留學管理信息系統”並按照下列流程操作:
III.Complete the online application information at CGS Information Management System and operate according to the following process:
(1) Visit the website: https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/loginor http://www.campuschina.org ;
(2) Click “Application Online” to log in, and fill in and submit application information online;
(3)Upload the “Pre-admission Notice” and all your application documents to designated position;
(4) Print the completed application form of Chinese Government Scholarship.
You can consult the dispatching authorities in your home country for the Instructions of CGS Information Management System and the Acceptance Agency Number.
4. 在規定時間內將申請材料提交至本國留學生派遣部門,並將相關材料郵寄至沐鸣沐鸣平台。
IV.Submit all of your application documents to the dispatching authorities of your home country before the deadline, then mail the relevant materials to the International Student Affairs Office of SHUPL.
5. 沐鸣通過國家留學基金管理委員會來華留學網上報名信息審核平臺進行再次確認,並報國家留學基金管理委員會審核。
V.The applicants’ information will be re-confirmed through the online application system of CSC by SHUPL, and will be further reviewed by CSC.
6. 經國家留學基金管理委員會審核通過的申請人沐鸣將發放正式錄取通知書和JW201表✋🏻。
VI.The applicants got the final permit will get the official Admission Notice and JW201 Form issued by SHUPL.
7. 申請人持正式錄取通知書和JW201表至所在國使(領)館辦理來華簽證手續,並按規定時間來校辦理報到手續。
VII.The applicant should go to the China Embassy (consulate) of in his country to apply for a visa in China with the official admission notice and JW201 Form, and come to SHUPL for registration at the prescribed time.
NOTE: Only applications of recommended candidates from dispatching authorities will be considered. CSC has the right to make necessary adjustments to the candidates’ institutions for those who haven’t received the Pre-admission Notice.
APPLICATION DOCUMENTS(Bind up in the following order)
I. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (written in Chinese or English);
2. 經過公證的最高學歷證明。中英文以外文本須附上經公證的中文或英文的翻譯件。在校學生須提交本人就讀沐鸣出具的在學證明🏊🏽♀️;
II.Notarized highest diploma (photocopy). Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.If the applicant is a student at the school, he/she must submit a Certificate of Study or a Pre-Graduation Certificate issued by the school;
3. 學習成績單。中英文以外文本須附經公證的中文或英文的翻譯件👷🏻♀️;
III. Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English). Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations;
4. 文字不少於800字的來華學習或研究計劃,請用中文或英文書寫;
IV.A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in Chinese or English), no less than 800 words;
5. 漢語水平證書,申請者需提供有效期內不低於HSK3級的漢語水平證書;
V. HSK level certificate, the applicant must provide within the validity period of no less than HSK level 3;
6. 推薦信。申請攻讀碩士和申請作為高級進修生來華學習者,須提交兩名教授或副教授簽字的推薦信,用中文或英文書寫;
VI. Two Recommendation Letters (written in Chinese or English);
Applicants for the master’s programs or the senior visiting programs must submit two recommendation letters signed by professors or associate professors;
7. 申請人須提交《外國人體格檢查表》復印件(原件自行保存👩🍳,此表格由中國衛生檢疫部門統一印製,可登錄留學基金委網站http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina或http://www.campuschina.org 下載,須英文填寫)。
VII. 《Foreigner Physical Examination Form》(photocopy), (can be downloaded from http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchinaor http://www.campuschina.org,please write in English).
(1)The physical examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form;
(2)Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are considered as invalid.
(3)Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule, since the valid of this form is only 6 months.
8. 申請人須提供有效期6個月內的無犯罪記錄證明文件💘🤦🏻♂️。
VIII. The applicant must provide documentary proof of no criminal record valid for 6 months;
IX. Applicants are required to provide a financial guarantee letter signed by their immediate family members and issued by recent six months.
Applicants should submit TWO sets of bound documents. Application materials will not be returned regardless of admission.
1. 每名獎學金獲得者只能獲得一個中國政府獎學金項目的資助,對於同時被多所高校錄取的獎學金申請人,國家留學基金委僅為其保留一所沐鸣的獎學金資格👩🏻🎤💐;
I. CSC reserves the rights to decide the host university for scholarship recipients with multiple offers. Each scholarship recipient—even when admitted by multiple universities—will be granted no more than one scholarship;
2. 獎學金獲得者來華後不得變更錄取院校、學習專業及學習期限📦;
II. Scholarship recipients shall not change their host university, major, or duration of study;
3. 不能按錄取期限來華學習者🪀,獎學金資格不予保留;
III. Scholarship will not be reserved if scholarship recipient cannot register before the registration deadline;
4. 未持有漢語水平考試證書者🥈,沐鸣不接受申請
IV. Only applicants who have HSK certificate will be considered;
5. 請勿在提交的申請材料中夾帶現金;
V. Please don’t enclose any cash in your mailed materials;
6. 為保證沐鸣隨時與申請者保持聯系,請在申請表中填寫有效的電子郵件和通信地址。
VI. To ensure that the university can keep contact with the applicant, please provide a valid email address and a postal address in the application form.
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law👊🏿,School of International Communication and Exchange(International Students office), Department of Admissions and Project Development
No.7989 Waiqingsong Road , Qingpu District, Shanghai, P. R. China
郵編:201701 電話:86-21-39225275
Post Code:201701 Tel: 86-21-39225275
E-mail Address: admission@shupl.edu.cn
本科專業(四年) | ||
法學 | 工商管理 | |
國際政治 | 經濟與金融 | |
國際經濟與貿易 | 漢語國際教育 | |
廣播電視編導(攝影攝像方向) | 廣播電視編導(紀錄片方向) | |
碩士研究生專業(三年) | ||
國際法 | 經濟法 | |
法學理論 | 環境與資源保護法學 | |
國際政治與國際法治 | 國際商務(兩年) | |
非學歷項目 | ||
普通專業進修班(本科專業進修) | 高級進修 | |
Majors Available | ||
Undergraduate Programs (4 years) | ||
Science of Law | Business Administration | |
International Politics | Economics and Finance | |
International Economy and Trade | Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages | |
Broadcast and Television Director(Photography and Camera shooting) | Broadcast and Television Director (TV Documentary) | |
Graduate Programs(3years) | ||
International Law | Economic Law | |
Law Theory | Environmental and Resources Protection Law | |
International Politics and International Rule of Lae | International Business(2 academic year) | |
Non-degree programs | ||
General visiting program | Senior visiting program |